
Posts Tagged ‘common nucleus’

I feel that perhaps this is most obvious emblem, but I also feel that it truly reflects my aesthetic and personal experience to what I think of as multiplicity. As a naturalist, I have been amazed of the mechanisms and workings of nature. How a spider can create such a complex, beautiful, and always unique web is awe-inspiring. The spider itself is the common nucleus. It spins its multiple layers of webs outward from this common starting point, but essence of the web itself is created from within the spider. His body provides the material for the multiplicity of the web. It seems so delicate to us, but it is strong enough to house not only the spider, but to trap prey within it. It is appropriate that the search engine (discussed in the analogy section of Multiplicity) functions like this creature. It could create an infinite web, if it so choose, but its main purpose is to seek out the prey it traps in the web, much like the search engine seeks out knowledge for our own consumption. As a child, I was afraid of spiders, but I also respected them as creatures. It is a beautiful creation of nature that has been around eons before the Internet was even an idea, but the technology is a reflection of what we see in nature. We emulate those things in nature that we recognize as successful creations.

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